I haz no power

RCA to barrel. Stays put very well. I don't see an issue with using these plugs, it's not like you can't build your own.

They also do color coding for specialty cables some pedals with weird power requirements, like oddball plug types etc.

I actually really like the idea of using RCA plugs, they'll be really stable and the color coding does appeal to my need to be organised. Everything I've read about the cioks sounds great but I think it's a bit too far out of my budget.
My stomp can run off it's own supply
Definitely should since a 3A supply is recommended. Do any of the common power supply boxes even offer that much (other than plugging into a courtesy outlet)? What supply were you using to power the Stomp before?
Definitely should since a 3A supply is recommended. Do any of the common power supply boxes even offer that much (other than plugging into a courtesy outlet)? What supply were you using to power the Stomp before?
CIOKS makes the CIOKS Crux box specifically for that purpose. You plug it into the DC7 24V expansion output and it's designed specifically for units like the HX Stomp or Quad Cortex.

My understanding is that you could also power the HX Stomp by using some specialty cable that combines two outputs of the DC7.
Definitely should since a 3A supply is recommended. Do any of the common power supply boxes even offer that much (other than plugging into a courtesy outlet)? What supply were you using to power the Stomp before?

The stomp was always running off its own power supply. I was running my analogue pedals off the power plant Jr. It only supplied 120ma off each output so wouldn't handle the stomp.

I'm leaning towards the truetone at the minute.
CIOKS makes the CIOKS Crux box specifically for that purpose. You plug it into the DC7 24V expansion output and it's designed specifically for units like the HX Stomp or Quad Cortex.

My understanding is that you could also power the HX Stomp by using some specialty cable that combines two outputs of the DC7.
The Crux converter looks like it maxes out at 2.7A which I'm assuming has been fine for a lot of users.
Not sure the DC7 alone would be good though.
The stomp was always running off its own power supply. I was running my analogue pedals off the power plant Jr. It only supplied 120ma off each output so wouldn't handle the stomp.

Oh ok. I misunderstood your post then.

I'm leaning towards the truetone at the minute.

Truetone has been solid for me, btw. I've had a CS12 for years.
They are priced pretty well which doesn't hurt either.
The Crux converter looks like it maxes out at 2.7A which I'm assuming has been fine for a lot of users.
Not sure the DC7 alone would be good though.
I remember reading people doing it from the DC7 using some of the CIOKs specialty cables, the Crux hasn't been out that long.
Definitely should since a 3A supply is recommended. Do any of the common power supply boxes even offer that much (other than plugging into a courtesy outlet)? What supply were you using to power the Stomp before?
It says 3A but loooooooooooads of folks have successfully powered them off sources rated at 1A max. They draw the most current, by far, at start up, and then settle into, like, not a ton more than 500mA, if I remember right. I used a convoluted setup (battery that was outputting 5-something volts, I think, into a voltage converter to bring it up to 9, where that voltage converter was DEFINITELY not ever going to be kicking out 3A, even for a short burst) just fine for many months.
It says 3A but loooooooooooads of folks have successfully powered them off sources rated at 1A max. They draw the most current, by far, at start up, and then settle into, like, not a ton more than 500mA, if I remember right. I used a convoluted setup (battery that was outputting 5-something volts, I think, into a voltage converter to bring it up to 9, where that voltage converter was DEFINITELY not ever going to be kicking out 3A, even for a short burst) just fine for many months.

I powered mine off a ripcord and a battery bank for a while.
Replaced it with a used voodoo and it’s been great
The board below is powered by a Pedal Power 3 and an X4 extender.
Idk man. Building my own cables is the last thing I want to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
I'm just saying it's not anything proprietary, so you can build your own if you want custom lengths etc. Otherwise you just buy the right ones, but the PSU itself comes with plenty of cables for normal usecases.
Another vote for the Cioks. The DC7 powers my pedalboard that has 15 pedals (analogue pedals can share outputs without creating noise). I also have a DC5 (which is from the previous generation) that I use to power an extra pedalboard for a practice rig. But the star of the show for me is the Cioks 4 which I use to power my Friedman IR-X rig. The 4 outputs on the Cioks 4 are more than enough to power a Polytune 3, Dunlop Crybaby Mini wah, KHDK Unicorn Fuzz, Timmy, JHS Unicorn, Ibanez TS-9DX, NUX Atlantic, AND the Friedman IR-X that are on my board. I don't think there's another PSU that can handle that much without a sweat.
FFS magic white smoke just blew out of the fan exhaust port of my laptop and the screen had an error message saying it couldn't confirm the voltage of the power supply or battery.

It's shut down now and I've left it to cool down completely before I open it up to take a look.

As usual SpongeBob knows exactly how I feel.


Edit - I've just tested the laptop psu and it's putting out 19.6v so it's fine. I'll update this later after I've opened up the laptop and had a look. I'm expecting to find at least one electrolytic that's blown. I'm fine with fixing through hole but surface mount is not something I'm going to try and tangle with. Fuck
Well I've just had a look in my laptop and it looks like the fan has just burnt out. Fingers crossed that's all it is and it'll be a cheap fix.
But the star of the show for me is the Cioks 4 which I use to power my Friedman IR-X rig. The 4 outputs on the Cioks 4 are more than enough to power a Polytune 3, Dunlop Crybaby Mini wah, KHDK Unicorn Fuzz, Timmy, JHS Unicorn, Ibanez TS-9DX, NUX Atlantic, AND the Friedman IR-X that are on my board. I don't think there's another PSU that can handle that much without a sweat.
I used mine to power a Strymon Iridium, SA Nemesis, SA Collider and a Gigrig Wetter Box parallel mixer...using a USB powerbank connected to the CIOKS 4. I don't know why that feels like somehow super modern to me.
Which power supply you should get is entirely depedent on your particular needs. I am personally in the market for a very thin power supply (hopefully no thicker than about 1 inch/25.4 mm) to fit under my travel board. It needs to have a total power output of at least 2000 mA @ 9 VDC, with two ports that are capable of at least 800 mA.

There are three power supplies I've identified that will work:
1. CIOKS DC7 - funky proprietary cables, 660 mA per port, so I would need to use Y cables to boost current capacity for 4 of the ports, making for a huge mess, unless I make custom cables for it. Internal primary power supply means only an IEC cable to power it, though.
2. TheGigRig GenX14 - expensive, but probably the neatest and cleanest cabling. No Y cables needed, voltage selectors are physically lockable.
3. Mono medium power supply - only 6 ports, 500 mA each, so four of them go to Y cables, one for a single digital pedal, and one to daisy chain 4 utility pedals. One of the ports has a voltage selector that doesn't lock into position, but it's doable if I goop it up with some silicone sealant to prevent it from being accidentally moved. The cheapest solution of the three.

If money were no object, I'd just immediately go for the GenX14, because I'm planning on using a solid flat board, and because the GenX14 only has jacks on one end of the cables, I can just drill small holes in the board where I actually need the cables to go through (with grommets, of course), and cables can be sized exactly to length. Other than price, the one thing that does give me pause about the GenX14 is that it uses a proprietary 24 VDC external power brick.

Since money *is* an object, I will probably go for the Mono, because it's the cheapest and less messy than the CIOKS DC7 for wiring, although it does require an external, proprietary 24 VDC power brick, as well.
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