Tales from.. ..The StrapLab!

Been a while since I've tooled anything, couple weeks. I can kind of tell when my left hand starts to stiffen up, I need to get at it a bit more... keep them chops up, just like fretting chords. This morning I finally got after a concept I've been ruminating about for maybe a year or so.

This is my second stab at the "Waylon" strap. There's only so many guitar straps out there I'd call "iconic," this style is definitely in the top ten, maybe top five. Definitely when it comes to skills and detail required. This particular one isn't a custom order, so it will eventually go into the store. That's why it's featuring a bit of a creative adaptation necessary for wider appeal, make it a bit more marketable


I hesitate to show tooling in this stage as all the clams really stand out! But once it's all smoothed over,
dyed, decorative cuts, antiqued, buffed out and clear coated with the buckstitching, it's gonna look pretty flash!


So many tight corners to hit on those western letter outlines, and these maple leaves. Getting inside with with the bevel tool without wrecking
anything is not easy, and I'm definitely not the most skilled leather tooler, so this kind of work is really great practice for a fella like me.
Then that crazy high contrast buckstitching that comes later on... that work is really challenging, and kind of hard on the hands!

So there I was, just plugging away when suddenly, things went black!


Next will be to let this all set in overnight, then I'll get at what needs to be made white with the leather paint.
Going to take several coats, as white on black does take a bit extra to cover. Will continue on this next week.
Maybe over the weekend a little bit if the honey do list isn't too crazy.

Hope your list isn't too crazy and you get some chill time in my brothers!
Are you ready for the country?


If you're itchin' to make the opry, this probably ain't the strap you wanna wear. Pays homage to one of the most-despised "outlaws" of the 70's and 80's country scene, who grew their hair and just generally raised far too much Hell to be considered worthy of the established Nashville cadre of the day


9 oz. leather, heavy duty vegtan, buckstitching in white leather. It's also padded and lined so that buckstitch won't irritate your back as
much as most versions of this strap. Ladderback, 45"-58" - Pretty badass if I do say so myself.

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I'm a Leather guy and make guitar straps. You *may* want one someday if you see 'em. So take that into consideration.

I'm new here, so I went over the TGF rules, didn't seem to be anything against it, but I figured I'd ask before being
outted as an evil capitalistic spam-spewer. Iron1's recent "Five Crosses" strap was born on my bench.

But I do wish to convey I am also a guitar gear brother, crappy songwriter, and pretty non-serious musician too,
As well, I have customized a good number of guitars with some pretty non-standard finish treatments.
If allowed to post my work, I promise to keep myself mostly to myself on one thread, but I can say some in the
past have found my long-running shop threads somewhat entertaining and edumicational.
Maybe my work might be more preferred in the "Ask Me Anything" section. Let me know.!

For example, here is a padded floating pad strap I made out of baby leopard patterned hair-on cowhide.
Some might say, "Slow down, Brad! Too. Damn. Far. Nobody's done anything that before, that's crazy!"
I think it works pretty ok.

That's awesome! It's great to connect with fellow guitar enthusiasts and musicians. Your custom guitar work sounds really interesting, and I'm sure many would find it both entertaining and educational. Posting in the "Ask Me Anything" section sounds like a good idea, where people can engage and ask questions about your projects. Looking forward to seeing your work!
The story behind this rage-coloured feral Ostrich hide is found on the Well-Hung reverb page.


Your bandmates will hate this sling. Will immediately draw all crowd attention off them, towards whatever you're doing, even if just standing.
Wanna stay out of the limelight, blend in? This ain't your strap. how about this one @murphy brown ? Hot enough for ya?


It's a very striking fiery red, semi-matte, with a black leather bolt up front. Maxes out around 56" - nicely padded body.
Really heavy black leather nose, ladder and tail on this here very angry bird.
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The story behind this rage-coloured feral Ostrich hide is found on the Well-Hung reverb page.


Your bandmates will hate this sling. Will immediately draw all crowd attention off them, towards whatever you're doing, even if just standing.
Wanna stay out of the limelight, blend in? This ain't your strap. how about this one @murphy brown ? Hot enough for ya?


It's a very striking fiery red, semi-matte, with a black leather bolt up front. Maxes out around 56" - nicely padded body.
Really heavy black leather nose, ladder and tail on this here very angry bird.
Fancy leather, we'd love to see a different color.
@murphy brown I would never work with real ostrich leather. Do you know how it's made? How they cruelly get those nipply nubbies on the hide? Unconscionable!

Been a bit of a dream of mine to dabble in latex, or latex-related products - I've been very close to getting a position in that industry,
so with great joy I present to you this next couple of straps I call "Latex Salesman"


both are 3" wide, with a rubberized heavy canvas body, rolled edges and a bolt front and centre. Also the padding, like you'd expect in a Well-Hung strap, and heavy leather on the front and back for security and longevity. But more about that latex. It's all shiny, and grippy, and even a bit clingy, Very strong too! Kind makes a fella feel a bit tingly, to think of it.


Both versions of "Latex Salesman" are one-onlys, and fresh up in the reverb store right now!

I should note upfront there will be no need for you to detail any fetishes you may have if you do contact me,
and I do not normally supply any BDSM related leather gear, (unless, of course, you wish it to be custom-made and can provide detailed measurements and photographs).

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@murphy brown I would never work with real ostrich leather. Do you know how it's made? How they cruelly get those nipply nubbies on the hide? Unconscionable!

Been a bit of a dream of mine to dabble in latex, or latex-related products - I've been very close to getting a position in that industry,
so with great joy I present to you this next couple of straps I call "Latex Salesman"


both are 3" wide, with a rubberized heavy canvas body, rolled edges and a bolt front and centre. Also the padding, like you'd expect in a Well-Hung strap, and heavy leather on the front and back for security and longevity. But more about that latex. It's all shiny, and grippy, and even a bit clingy, Very strong too! Kind makes a fella feel a bit tingly, to think of it.


Both versions of "Latex Salesman" are one-onlys, and fresh up in the reverb store right now!

I should note upfront there will be no need for you to detail any fetishes you may have if you do contact me,
and I do not normally supply any BDSM related leather gear, (unless, of course, you wish it to be custom-made and can provide detailed measurements and photographs).

Wow is that snake skin???
Wow is that snake skin???
Snake embossed leather that appears to be python. Actual snake is hard to work with, can lose scales and be very brittle.


"Metallion" is a other pair of floating pad straps recently imagined-up. Great metallic gunmetal cowhide. I vision this as ideal for a metal player who wants the lower profile trad style but rides along nicely with the darker brootalz aestetic.


Pad is almost 3" wide, 14" long. Beefy buckle system works front or back. 50"-60" with heavy leather tabs.

Happy Monday!
Snake embossed leather that appears to be python. Actual snake is hard to work with, can lose scales and be very brittle.


"Metallion" is a other pair of floating pad straps recently imagined-up. Great metallic gunmetal cowhide. I vision this as ideal for a metal player who wants the lower profile trad style but rides along nicely with the darker brootalz aestetic.


Pad is almost 3" wide, 14" long. Beefy buckle system works front or back. 50"-60" with heavy leather tabs.

Happy Monday!
That one got me. And by the way I totally agree with you, snake skins are sometimes paper thin or even thinner.
The soon-to-be legendary Jack Dupp ( forum brother @modavis99 on another group) of the Porch Pirates has returned for another custom strap order and no ordinary one at that! This one is nudging me quite a ways out of my comfort zone into experimental (accent the "mental") custom strap territory.

His vision is something that will put his name in lights on stage. so we've been talking for a couple weeks, ordering bits, discussing. We came up with a concept of installing LED lights in the front of his strap, in bright crazy PINK! I tried to steer him off that but he was insistent.

Problem is, they come in groups of 50... to do the name right I needed more. So I got two sets and grafted part of one set onto the other.
Works just fine, but I will have to solder the connections. Probably just drain the batteries down a bit faster


Then rather than just have a bunch of LEDS poking out of the front I came up with the bright idea to put them into nickel grommets, because he was kind of asking for a biker theme to it anyway - and the LEDs look a lot better installed in a sort of "fixture"


So, we come up with a design on the computer, that I can layout on the back of the strap, then use the picture to punch the holes in an accurate manner, that's why it's reverse-imaged


Now grommet setting tools aren't made to put grommets real close together, would do a ton of damage to the any installed next to it,
so I had to modify a setter I had here with an angle grinder, a dremel and a small file - effectively build a new tool specific for this job.


Above is the setting tool after I did a bunch of grinding, now with the grommet sitting in it. This will insure the edges of the grommets come out nice, and don't wreck the ones next to it. We only had about 16-17 inches, on the front for the name so I really had to jam them close together. And Tada - worked great! We are going to continue this job next week.


Also another forum brother @On_the_Edge_of_Time was looking for a robust but more comfortable floating pad strap, and after some back and forth, we decided on a custom which I will also continue next week. But today I cut the leather and beveled the edges, cased it for dying, and dyed it black.



If that wasn't enough I also got an order in for three pairs of Old School Leather Straplocks, heading out tomorrow.
Maybe some of you old timers remember these


Might pick away at the strap projects over the weekend but the chore list is looking heavy too, so it's iffy.
Been wailin' away on the same couple of customs.. this one completed mostly over the weekend

Bare bones Cowboy Prayer floater. No fancy, no conchos, not tooling ( I did add a monogram as a surprise). It's as basic black as it gets. 48-60, brass buckle, could be front or back. 3" wide pad, 1.5" wide straps. Pad could be removed. As you can see my version, the strap goes through the pad, not over top. Still very padded.


Now this other one... is made of the same leather, but the low key aspect? Nope. None of that here!
I got lacing done up and down the sides, with a fun metallic lace, in dark silver. Then I attached
the back buckle and did a bit of decorative rivet work on the back. Finally, time to get at the wiring.


It's pretty damn bright! Nothing is secure yet, but its ALIIIIIIIIVVVVEE!!!



Kind of drives a camera crazy. I'm going to drip some UV resin into each of the grommets to secure the LEDs in there
better. Then I gotta figure out how to hang the battery box. And i want to do something fun with the switch so it's easy
to get to and flick it on and off while doing pull offs and hammers with the left hand. I mean why not, if I can, right?


Gotta say it's been a real fun challenge thinking my way through this one. But at this time I would like to state that Well-Hung assumes no responsibility for any possible or perceived electrifocutions, or blindnessess that could be caused by exposure to this here strap.
Well this was going to be a custom job, but as happens once or twice a year, the dude went another direction.
He did purchase a different strap, so no harm, no foul.
This one goes up for sale, and it's a custom job so a bit more went into it as is my convention

End Times #4
- my take on a post-apocalyptic Mad Max theme



Nice words from Tyler in Colorado
