NDSP Quad Cortex

Define 'just fine'. A loyal base they got for sure.
Highly doubt that more than 5-10% of NEW upper modeling sales are going to Fractal.

- no marketing
- no dealer network
- bad warranty (relatively speaking)
- badly outdated GUI

Seriously, if not for the hardcore base buying and re-buying literally multiple times over what would their sales be?
I'd look at it from a different point of view.

Fractal's devices are often out of stock, which means they sell pretty much everything they make and can't produce more with their current capacity. So there's probably a higher demand than supply, at least for the first let's say 3-5 years of the product's lifetime. So despite having very little marketing, they are able to sell all they make. That's a good spot for a small company where they don't have a lot of money tied into things sitting on shelves.

So far I've owned an Axe-Fx Standard, II, III and FM3. So I do think there's Fractal fans who are upgrading even within a generation, but the people who buy all of their boxes or their variants are probably fewer. The new-to-Fractal person is likely to buy the FM3 or FM9.

Dealer network can mean they can sell more, but also can mean that the cost for the buyer becomes higher. Longer warranty, shipping across the pond and a distributor does make Fractals quite expensive in Europe, Australia etc. I still would like to see them become more easily available, more like how you can buy the QC in so many places.

No complaints about warranty for me, at least with G66 in Europe. They've even sent me e.g a new fan for an Axe-Fx 2 that I bought used. The warranty time is the standard 2 years like for most electronics. US warranties tend to be a worse deal regardless of brand.
Fractal's devices are often out of stock, which means they sell pretty much everything they make and can't produce more with their current capacity.

My point was that a lot of the folks buying up all of that Fractal stock are not first time Fractal users - which was prompted by the member here who decided to diss Neural cause they spend money on marketing. The comment was that Fractal "does just fine without any of that crap".

Kinda lame to shit on the competition by using Fractal's way of running a business as any sort of benchmark.

That's all.
My point was that a lot of the folks buying up all of that Fractal stock are not first time Fractal users - which was prompted by the member here who decided to crap on Neural case they spend money on marketing. The comment was that Fractal "does just fine without any of that crap".

Kinda lame to shit on the competition by using Fractal's way of running their business as any sort of benchmark was my point.
That's all.
The thing is; pretending like you don't have a pre-existing bias against FAS is like me pretending I don't have a pre-existing bias against Nueral. It just is :rofl
The thing is; pretending like you don't have a pre-existing bias against FAS is like me pretending I don't have a pre-existing bias against Nueral. It just is :rofl

Of course, although my beef was never with the products (GUI aside).
Makes it a challenge though having to be civil and adult about the conversation.

Unlike the days of old. :rofl
Of course, although my beef was never with the products (GUI aside).
Makes it a challenge though having to be civil and adult about the conversation.

Unlike the days of old. :rofl
They all have strengths and weaknesses. Certainly. I know what I gravitate towards and I have been trying to stick with it*

* with the eternal disclaimer that I can pull the rip cord on any rig other than the GD trumpet setup at any time, without warning
They all have strengths and weaknesses.
Now I can legitimately state this having had at least a year's worth of hands on experience with both Fractal and Neural.

Last I checked the "Has Jive bought a Quad yet?" question was still out there flying in the breeze......

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Now I can legitimately state this having had at least a year's worth of hands on experience with both Fractal and Neural.

Last I checked the "Has Jive bought a Quad yet?" question was still out there flying in the breeze......

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Yeah my distaste for the company and overall vibe combined with the fact that that it doesn't have anywhere near the effects or baked in amp models make it a nonstarter for me.
Do you realize if they come out with a Cortex stomp and we all buy one how much crow we will have to eat @mbenigni
I am not into the "let's combine 4 digital pieces that are made to be smaller into one behemoth that is the same size or bigger than if I just bought the behemoth in the first place", though :rofl
Do you realize if they come out with a Cortex stomp and we all buy one how much crow we will have to eat @mbenigni
Not at all. If you (e.g. @JiveTurkey) don't find the variety of amps or effects to be sufficient, having that same insufficient variety in a smaller form factor isn't likely to help much.

For me, a "Cortex Stomp" would almost certainly eliminate (or diminish) all of the things that make the OG Quad Cortex desirable: lots of I/O, ease of use (inc. standalone), lots of independent routing, etc.
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