What should i get rid of

I dont know man i havent sold anything in a long time, is the market kinda shit right now?
Yea, everyone is talking about it and I see the same gear listed forever.
most of your stuff is high $$ so better to keep it for now.
Start with selling of some that you are not in love with. We all have trouble selling instruments that are good, and we tell ourselves that those are special…but they are not. You didn’t buy 10 guitars to get 1 good one…the planet is flooded with good instruments.
I recently sold a couple that were great instruments…so yeah…that’s a wee bit uncomfortable…but I granted myself that if I sold 2…I could buy one thing back. So..selling something that you only “like”, gives room to get something you really love…and thins the herd ;)

Second, I’d get rid of the doubles, 1 les Paul, one strat, one SG…they are really not different enough to keep. Whatever differences there are, are just in your way cause you need to redial your amp ;)

I’d get rid of all the shredders…but that’s me ;)

I don’t think the market is shitty…sure..it has cooled down from a very high peak. If you have owned this instruments for >4 years…you might even come out with a profit ;)