Polyend Play


Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
You play this before @TJontheRoad ?

Have kind of wanted a Groovebox for some time. This looks pretty dope and straightforward to use. Budget(ish) Deluge?

I’ve been hovering over the buy button for a couple days, but told myself to hold off to see if there was a Black Friday deal. Def have to wait a couple weeks with this intel. lol
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They released the + version, and apparently pissed off the world of OG users by doing a refresh after 18mos.

Glad I held off buying. Hovering over the preorder button as we speak. :ROFLMAO:


My daughter was slightly confused that she had the insight to buy, wrap, and put this under the tree for me unknowingly, but she was quite happy with the victory lap I took around the house when I opened it. :ROFLMAO:

Holy MF’er you’ll long for deep tweaking on the AxeFx after trying to wrap your head around the workflow. People fly through it on videos, “it’s so intuitive”, but it’s a little more tricky when you are a mouth breathing non-beat pro.

After a full pass of the manual, and three hours of play time I’m able to build some simple sequences, and figured out building basic patterns from the sequences.

I will say it’s pretty cool that all the secondary controls are clearly labeled, and you can get to the contextual screens for each by simply touching the top of a knob. No real menu diving.

The function columns basically handle like a DAW in your ability to mute, solo or select the entire given track.

Trickiest thing so far was understanding how to get to the synth engine, from the sample sequencer.

Need to figure out how to turn on the piano roll next and then the terrible trap beats will be incoming!
I saw this at SW last week and was like “WintheabsoluteF is THIS??? I WANT ONE!!!”

Once I figure out what it does and what it can do for me, then maybe I’ll bite.
All those buttons with no labels are giving me a mild anxiety attack
All those buttons with no labels are giving me a mild anxiety attack

That’s actually the easy part :ROFLMAO:

You have 8 rows (tracks) which counts to 16 steps per sequence. You tap one and it lights up and then when you hit play as it scrolls it engages whatever you have highlighted for that track. (Hi hat, snare, kick, bass, synth etc) It’s very similar to programming drums, except tactile. The far right columns just control your ability to mute, solo, select on each track.

It’s actually kinda badass when you hit play and the thing scrolls and lights up everything as it’s triggered.
I saw this at SW last week and was like “WintheabsoluteF is THIS??? I WANT ONE!!!”

Once I figure out what it does and what it can do for me, then maybe I’ll bite.

It’s a groovebox. The original just used samples, the Plus added synth engines. It’s basically a standalone electronic workstation.

I just wanted something else to mess around with, without being tethered to a PC or DAW.
So how do you like it now that some time has gone by?
Can you get realistic drum sounds from it or is it only ‘electronic drum machine’ sounding?
The inclusion of synth engine into it makes me think it is a good scratch pad kind of tool. Something I can create a rhythmic groove with pads and or a bass line moving and then grab a guitar or synth to develop that a more interesting arrangement.

I’m looking for a sequencing machine that also has authentic sounding drums and has some level of generative pattern type options.
Trying to get my synth mojo flowing but I’m just not a trance/rave/ whatever-you-call-it lover.