Do Something - Season Four - Week One - Week WON!


TGF Recording Artist
Welcome back TGF Challenge Winner @Alex Kenivel, TGF Bandmate Champions @Sleezy E and @Gearzilla and the army of TGF Challenge Recording Artists!

For many it may feel like Season Three just ended. For others it may feel like Season Three happened forever ago. And you know what? No one cares about your feelings! There's no crying in forum music creation challenges!

Wait... sorry, copy, pasted & modified the wrong boilerplate... that was meant for the new Gorilla practice combo modeler preamp pedal thread, coming soon.


In honor of our reigning champion, we've prepared a new video to help launch this season:

Why are we watching this video? What does it have to do with a song writing/cover tune challenge? Well, two things that should be glaringly obvious... not sure why you even asked... pfft...

1) Clearly Evel Knievel wasn't playing guitar during any of these wrecks. Ergo, guitar playing keeps you from crashing into Ceasar's Palace fountains and other immoveable objects - your unbroken bones thank you.

2) Submitting an entry into this challenge can't possibly hurt anywhere near as bad as crashing your motorcycle after failing to stick the landing.

Therefore, participating in the TGF Challenge is practically a guarantee of health and prosperity. Almost. Maybe. Ok, just shut up and record something already... sheesh.

Rules of the wreck... err... road:
  • This is Week One
  • 8 "weeks" running from the October 1st til whenever 8 weeks later is... ain't nobody got time for math...
  • Similar submission rules to Season Two
  • All submissions equal 1 point.
  • Points will be tallied and listed at the end of each week.
  • Overall, the point system is to act as a marker for your consistency.
  • The challenge is to push yourself to do a little more than your normal thing, some of you will have to learn how to use a DAW, some of you will have to spend less time roasting new modelers on forums and play more guitar, some are going to have to feel some kind of 'structure' to remain consistent.
  • Week One Ends at Midnight CST, October 7th, 2023. Week Two begins a minute later, regardless of when the Week Two thread begins.
  • If you want to toss out a theme for each week, please do - however theme participation is solely meant for inspiration, nothing more.

  • Whoever has the most points at the end will get crowned the :rawk TGF Do Something Season Four CHAMPION!:rawk

  • BoNuS BaNdMaTe ChAlLeNgE: Collaborate with another forum member on a song and get a :headbang Whoever has the most :headbangat the end of this season will be declared the TGF Do Something Season Four BANDMATE CHAMPION!
Ties will not be broken - unless Drew insists they are, then its whomever can dial in the best 60s surf tone using only a plastic Ukulele, a Metalzone pedal and your great grandma's console hifi system.


If you're one of the wieners, you can screenshot it and send it to your wife, husband, best friends, take out an ad on the side of a Metro bus or wherever you want. Or, if someone has something they would like to submit to a winner; a used pack of strings, some free Guitar Center picks, a collection of leftover string ferules encased in "recycled" Taco Bell scented dingleberries, a Phil Collins battle vest, a pedal you don't use anymore that isn't worth selling, anything except items that contained bodily fluids, feel free to submit it.

The winner will get a nifty TGF BANNER under their name that proclaims them as "TGF Champion". Feel free to place this on job resumes, LinkedIn, Craigslist "Musicians Wanted" ads or tattoo it in your "special place".

All who enter at least one track will earn the coveted "TGF Recording Artist" banner in order to shame your fellow TGF'ers who are obviously intestinal-fortitude deficient. Please don't try to tattoo that on the winner's "special place" - that's just weird.

Thank you to all who are going to take part in this! And thanks to everyone who participated in Seasons One, Two & Three!

Now, get out your motorcycle- err GUITAR and JUMP!

Was curious your thoughts there. I’d like to break away from SC too if it’s worth it.

No-brainer… I uploaded that mix to both formats yesterday. Even paid the $14 ransom fee at SoundCloud to get the premium membership to enable higher Fidelity. I’ll be canceling here shortly.

Audius is much closer to what I hear in the original Apple MP4. I’m sure there are ways to improve Audius from where I started.

I wonder what it would do if I sent it a wav; probably not acceptable.