IK Multimedia Tone X One?

Part 3: Your TONEX Pedal/TONEX ONE get automatically backed up when you connect them and run the TONEX software. "We know what database migration is." - TONEX devs to those occupying armchairs, probably.

Per the manual WRT the above:
View attachment 22937
And how to import the default library:
View attachment 22938
Hey you’re actually IK. I returned the pedal because you PC app is unusable. I bought an $80 Mooer Preamp X that did the job and their app isn’t unusable. Within 20 minutes I had a downloaded Dual Rectifier tone capture from their server and was able to upload my own IR. I was playing music in 20 minutes on your competitor’s product. On the ToneX I couldn’t even connect to ToneNet or properly navigate your confusing app.

I feel you guys probably have better tech under the hood but I refuse to use your app anymore until something drastic changes. Look at my posts earlier in this thread as to why.

Fix it, it’s awful, it’s well known, and it’s costing you money. You guys nailed it with Amplitube 10 years ago, not sure why ToneX misses the mark so widely.
I'm slowly figuring out my life with Tonex, but holy hell the software is utter trash. Hoping for a live pedal edit mode someday. Hoping that changing settings on one preset doesn't wreck the settings on other presets using the same tone model. Hoping to see the ability to re-order presets.
I'm slowly figuring out my life with Tonex, but holy hell the software is utter trash. Hoping for a live pedal edit mode someday. Hoping that changing settings on one preset doesn't wreck the settings on other presets using the same tone model. Hoping to see the ability to re-order presets.
Just because these features were available on all Rocktron gear in 1996 is no reason to expect them on a modern product nearly 30 years later.

Yea the software is so bad and I’m pretty sure trying to fix it is really not the best solution.
Start over with different people guiding the process.

A simple goal to start them off should be:

A user can audition a ‘Tone model’ where it is found without downloading it into their library on their computer. Put it in a buffer. And make it so we can edit a downloaded amp on the pedal and save the changes right there. All from the same ‘window’ of the editor.

Any attempt to ‘sort of do something like that but not really’ and you know you have got the wrong team still.
IK Multimedia laughs when I say their customer service sucks!
Maybe that is the problem? Their customer service SUCKS, but their software blows big, sweaty, hairy goat nuts!
When they put it on some hardware. I see the big fat tonex sized pedal coming out soon for it
I dunno your exact current usage of tonex but if I wanted a capture solution to use live I'd consider a cheap tonex pedal for a quick off/on solution... if it was anything more involved than that I'd probably just grab some form of kemper or QC for the full bells and whistles (multi instrument routing is super handy as well).

When you start talking about wanting to mess with the tonex software yourself all I can think is... there's probably a better solution out there hah. And if you're legitimately talking about crafting a super usable end to end solution I think a strong minded person/team would bring out a tonex rival using NAM as the foundation. Heck Tonocracy kind of did it but that has its own quirks and its been an oddly long time since it launched and we still don't see a tonocracy pedal.

If I've learned anything in my years... wishing and hoping IK would just do better with some of their products is going to be a disappointing endeavour. You kind of take or leave their stuff as is. Some of their products and solutions are great, and some seems like the textbook definition of how to fumble the brief.
I've thought about the Tonex One a few times as I could see having uses for it...but I also loathe the Tonex app so much that I can't be bothered even at the Tonex One's low cost.

The advice I have for IK is:
  • Take some courses or read some books on UI/UX design. A lot of apps work in a similar manner because those conventions are learned and allow people to easier jump from app A to using app B.
  • Figure out what the user typically wants to do in any view. To me the Home view does way too much at once which makes it seem like a cluttered mess of content management and preset editing.
  • Figure out how to better represent different concepts to user. To me Tone models vs presets and Collections vs folders are not particularly clear at first glance, and part of it is because they are all kinda mixed together. The marketplace stuff vs user's content should be more separated.
  • Figure out how to improve content discoverability. Now most of the metadata available is not that useful, users are not filling it in and often the name of the capture is the only truly useful piece of information. Similarly the "top" lists seem like a typical upvote popularity context.
  • Aim higher. That "new" IR management UI is so barebones that I have a hard time believing it was anything but cobbled together by a dev as a last minute thing without any proper spec.
A lot of the updates to the app seem like trying to shoehorn in new features without fixing the fundamentals first.
I dunno your exact current usage of tonex but if I wanted a capture solution to use live I'd consider a cheap tonex pedal for a quick off/on solution... if it was anything more involved than that I'd probably just grab some form of kemper or QC for the full bells and whistles (multi instrument routing is super handy as well).
I don't know why I'd want a kemper. And on the scale of IK software sucking, its a DREAM compared to QC! Holy crap. I'll take Tonex any day over that.

When you start talking about wanting to mess with the tonex software yourself all I can think is... there's probably a better solution out there hah. And if you're legitimately talking about crafting a super usable end to end solution I think a strong minded person/team would bring out a tonex rival using NAM as the foundation. Heck Tonocracy kind of did it but that has its own quirks and its been an oddly long time since it launched and we still don't see a tonocracy pedal.
If tonex is anything like helix and the presets are human readable and unencrypted, then, just like Helix, you could make a pretty handy text editor/librarian to handle the really tedious crap in the Tonex software, same way you can text replace the amp in a bulk of Helix presets.

If they want something good, we could do that as well. Maybe we could even tam up with Jkist7 up there
I poked at them with the sqlite3 command-line too...
Did you do this from the comfort of your armchair, or did you roll out a spiffy office chair for the occasion? ;)

I kid, I kid. Glad the IK rep spoke up and things worked out!
Funny reading the above when I just came off the NDSP Discord where someone just said they were sending back a Tone X they got a couple of days ago because it was the most unintuitive piece of equipment they ever used. And stated that even the Ampero has a better UX.

I don't know what any of that means as I haven't used either but I suspect hyperbole somewhere.
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