New amp+effects setup - suggestions?


I am posting this here but I guess it could go in the digital modeling forum too...

I am currently using a Helix LT but I like the idea of trying something "more analog" for a change. I am resurrecting my Mesa Mark V 25 and trying to build a pedalboard around it, using the pedals I already have and possibly purchasing something new because... well... no reason to explain, I guess.

Here's the setup I have in mind: Guitar --> Tuner --> Clyde Wah --> Source Audio Zio buffer --> HX Stomp input --> Send to Tsakalis room #40 --> Mark V 25 input --> Return from Mark V 25 DI out with speaker emulation --> HX Stomp out to "FRFR".

I need to be able to go direct and to obtain a variety of tones, so using a guitar cab is not an option. I'd be using the Mark V 25 most of the time, but for specific sounds I may also use the Stomp amp models.

Mark V 25: I'd use the clean clannel for cleans (or plexi emulation with the room 40 pedal into the clean channel), and channel 2 in the Mark 2C+ mode. Alternatively, channel 1 in crunch mode and plexi emulation (if needed) from the Stomp or Room 40 + Stomp, and channel 2 in the Mark 2C+ mode.

A few things I am concerned about -- suggestions are very welcome!

- This setup has 2 AD/DA conversions in the Stomp and I imagine latency would be around 4 ms, maybe a tad less. I'd avoid using a wireless (which would incur another 3 ms latency). I am hesitant to do away with the HX Stomp because it's so convenient... with this setup I could add effects before the amp or after the IR, just like I do with the LT. Alternatively, I might use analog effects only, or digital with analog dry-through. This would give me an all-analog dry path, but I would lose a lot of flexibility and I know this is going to put me in trouble with my cover band. Am I overthinking this too much, and 4 ms latency is just fine? I can indeed play with higher latency but I am doing this to improve the feel (whatever this means :facepalm ) with respect to what I use now. It felt good yesterday at rehearsal with just the analog DI out into the "FRFR" with no digital conversion, but not heaps better than the Helix LT (except for sustain, that felt a lot better).

- I am considering to buy a Torpedo Captor X 8 ohm reactive load, as the analog cab sim in the Mark V 25 can not be disabled and I'd like to use IRs. As far as I understand, the Captor X can disable the internal IR loader (avoiding an extra AD/DA conversion) and I could use an IR block in the Stomp instead. I imagine a reactive load would sound better than a resistive one (as already available in the Mark V 25)? Or would it be wasted money?

- Finally, I would like to consider adding my Source Audio Ventris pedal to the pedalboard -- it sounds great, it has MIDI and it would take some load off the Stomp DSP, especially in songs that require Poly Capo. I could send the Mark V 25 DI out to the Ventris and then to the Stomp Return, or the Stomp out to Ventris and then to "FRFR". In this latter case, I'd lose the balanced TRS out of the stomp (would be used in TS mode). I do not plan to use long cables though.

So... What do you think? A lot of thinking for a setup that would not be better than my Helix LT? :rofl
Is this for gigging? If so and you're not using a guitar cab; just stick with the LT.

If it's for recording; I'd think about adding external pedals as you desire but still stick with the LT. Amp through a load is not worth the squeeze ime.
Just random food for thought.

Mostly agree with JT, the exception being if the Mark V 25 is "your" sound, there is nothing in the Helix that can get it. the Mark IV model is not quite right (for me anyway), plus the IV sound is bit more modern and bottomy than the IIc+ anyway.

I don't think the latency is a big deal - again your mileage may vary but I use the Helix in 4CM all the time with whatever amp solution I am using, be it 5150 III or Synergy rack setup.

It is a lot to cart around and setup when you add a load box in there.

I don't know if anybody makes them, but you might be able to find some IR's with a real poweramp baked in. Then you can skip the load box part and use a poweramp + cab IR in the LT.

A buddy of mine made some of these way back in 2007 or so and I wish I still had them (hard drive went kaboom years ago and i did not have backups of those). Had great results using my Engl 530 preamp and Krankenstein head with them. Oh the gear I've parted with... :(