Helix and &^*%$*$%^&$%*^&$*^&%$*%& Impulse handling :(


How do you transfer impulses between devices and native and have them end up in the same spot without moving them one by one?
I'm not so sure its fixed
Headrush makes great IR loaders… excellent handling and management…

Very expensive IR loaders though… considering…

Well I’m joking of course…
But their IR management is great. Probably happy accident because of the Android like software/ui though…
Since couple of version back presets find them by name, not number.

They don't need to be in the same spot or even have the same name.
Helix identifies the IR by Checksum of the PCM data which is calculated when you import the IR.

Every single preset contains a table called "irUuidTable" of all 128 IR Checksums you had in your Hardware/Native when you exported the preset.
In other words, don't fuck around with the WAV file... Helix knows.
I'm not so sure its fixed
View attachment 7102

It is "fixed" as long as the IR in question is loaded in the device or plugin.
As soon as an IR is missing, you're however out of luck. The Helix isn't even telling you the name, let alone guiding you through a search. Which is as 1980-ish as it gets. Seriously, even if things were somewhat improved, it's still embarrassingly bad.
Modelers should just do it like soft samplers (regardless whether they're hard or software modelers).

1) "IR "killerriff_01.wav" is missing!"
2) Search/Locate/Abandon?
"Search" would search the entire connected file system unless you specify a certain drive or folder, in which case it'd search from there, within all subfolders. "Locate" would allow you to quickly point the dialog to a location.
And that's all there is about it.
Really, every even just halfway decent sampler does it that way.
ALL of the same IRs are in both devices, they are just in different orders.

Yup, it should autosearch or prompt you just like any decent DAW will
The main thing that frustrate me about loading IRs in the stomp is having to rename the files after I've loaded them so I know what they are. Annoyingly I can't just rename the YA IRs I've been using on my desktop and load them in because the stomp still loads the long file name, I have to load them onto the stomp and them change them. Even after I change them it's still a struggle to be able to name them in such a way that I can get the info I want into the file name and be able to read it on the stomp itself. It's fine in HX Edit but the space on the stomp is incredibly small, I really wish it scrolled so you could see the whole file name.

How does anyone else who has a stomp deal with yours?
This is with both the floor and the native getting the same impulses dragged and dropped into each, its getting both the impulse and the number wrong

This is for sure, 100% not true:

"They don't need to be in the same spot or even have the same name.
Helix identifies the IR by Checksum of the PCM data which is calculated when you import the IR.

Every single preset contains a table called "irUuidTable" of all 128 IR Checksums you had in your Hardware/Native when you exported the preset.
In other words, don't f**k around with the WAV file... Helix knows."

If the ID (checksum) doesn't exist when you import the preset, it will show an error and fallback to using numbers.

Export the preset, open it with a notepad, search for "uuid".
Copy that ID and search again for that ID in the file and compare to your other exported preset.
Maybe that can further help you understand the root of the problem.