Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

A wild sweet pickle loving Fender rep appears and y'all start turning cheeks
disappointed fifth element GIF
Actually, my favorite are the garlic dill pickles from Chili's.

Drama Scandal GIF by Prince
It’s different when we’re interacting with an actual human being vs. just ranting about an inanimate piece of gear ;)
And that's largely why I'm here. I said something similar on that other forum, I'm here to help and answer questions, solicit feedback good or bad and to put a face behind the product. I'm all for criticism, or the occasional praise, as long as it's constructive and delivered in a spirit of goodwill. I'll try to be as helpful as I can.

I'm just a former engineer turned product guy that has been playing guitar since the mid 80's. I love gear and that's why I went to school and I'm lucky to have been able to make a career out of it.
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It’s different when we’re interacting with an actual human being vs. just ranting about an inanimate piece of gear ;)
It’s also easier to talk to a pragmatic company rep looking to get free crowdsourcing to improve their product and make even more money, than loveblind douche canoes that think v.1 is just about Jesus-like.
I’ll just say I really hope Fender supports the product well. There’s some cool features and a lot of potential. But given the other products have a 10-15 year head start in the pro modeling space, Fender will have to quickly iterate. The upside is frequent updates will continue to keep the TMP on people’s minds on social media.
I'm pretty out of the loop on all the TMP bashing, and I can't be bothered to sift through 5000 pages on the other thread(s). I heard something was wrong with the EVH 5150iii Stealth Amp modelling and it's going to get fixed, can anyone TLDR this or link it?

And yeah the excess bashing on all these units is kind of insane. Everything has its drawbacks and there are obviously legitimate complaints to be made... but if you just see the negative in everything then you're in for a bad time. I'm not in the market for a hardware modeller but if they brought this software native like helix I'd be all over it.
I heard something was wrong with the EVH 5150iii Stealth Amp modelling and it's going to get fixed, can anyone TLDR this or link it?

IIRC there's an issue with the Red Channel model not sounding right. Fender have confirmed this as a bug and they are investigating with the intention of releasing a fix at some point.
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IIRC there's an issue with the Red Channel model not sounding right. Fender have confirmed this as a bug and they are investigating with the intention of releasing a fix at some point.
I think this is probably the ‘third party IR’s not working correctly’ issue again. @GuitarJon used an IR in his DAW to make the comparison as far as I know which would highlight this issue. I don’t know the real amp at all but the Red and Blue channels on the 5150 in the TMP sound pretty good to me when the cab mic’ing matches (for some reason the default mic setting is different on these channels). Whatever is behind the problem it will be fixed, I’m sure. (y)
I think this is probably the ‘third party IR’s not working correctly’ issue again. @GuitarJon used an IR in his DAW to make the comparison as far as I know which would highlight this issue. I don’t know the real amp at all but the Red and Blue channels on the 5150 in the TMP sound pretty good to me when the cab mic’ing matches (for some reason the default mic setting is different on these channels). Whatever is behind the problem it will be fixed, I’m sure. (y)

OEM specific SIC static EQ printing on the IR
OEM specific SIC static EQ printing on the IR
I believe there is an SIC attached to the TMP cab block but, because it’s not in the amp model, third party IR’s don’t benefit from the SIC so sound wrong. I think that’s right but I don’t have an in-depth knowledge of the technical side.
I believe there is an SIC attached to the TMP cab block but, because it’s not in the amp model, third party IR’s don’t benefit from the SIC so sound wrong. I think that’s right but I don’t have an in-depth knowledge of the technical side.
That seems to be the case, yes. Perhaps @stilwel can add more to that. There is much less noise here than on TGP, so I'd certainly be interested in understanding more about the modeling process without a select few users playing court jester in the thread.
That seems to be the case, yes. Perhaps @stilwel can add more to that. There is much less noise here than on TGP, so I'd certainly be interested in understanding more about the modeling process without a select few users playing court jester in the thread.
It would be great to know what fix will be applied. I’m thinking it would have to be adding a variable SIC to the amp blocks and removing whatever SIC’s are in the TMP cab blocks - could be wrong though.
@JiveTurkey had and returned one (IIRC). I think there are a couple others around who at least owned one for a bit. I'm not sure how many
TMP's were not returned.
I did. I had a fun time with it; but it was still a very surface level experience. Got some great tones with it but nothing that moved the needle enough to justify stepping backwards from what I am using regularly. Not a dig as I know it's new; but it just has a ways to go.