1984 Bogner Modified 70s Fender Dual Showman Reverb

While y’all know I think Eddy rules..,
He’s not the right player for this amp.
A hard rockin’ Grunger’ dude..that voicing…
-that’s a straight “ It Ain’t Like That” E chord amp.
Meat Puppet type dudes.
Eddy flashes through a lot of cool technique in his playing, I dig his hammer on/pull off runs,
that greasy shit.
In fact, that’s his core strength-he loads HERDS of tasty tricky technique in his phrasing and leads that the sound just has to kick ass.
He looks like he’s been pumpin’ iron,
-tightened it up💪.
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Yeah, me neither.. but the gut-shots showing Reinhold's early work were pretty cool !

Any idea what he’s doing to the circuit?

When I think of Bogner, I think of Marshall DNA. I’m curious if he’s just converting this to Marshall-ish specs and doing his thing or if he’s really trying to build on the Fender DNA. It does sound different to me at least on phone speakers.

EDIT - On second listen I’m second guessing my ears. That sustain at 5:27 is WOW though. It sounds like it’s going to feed back but barely hangs on.
Any idea what he’s doing to the circuit?

When I think of Bogner, I think of Marshall DNA. I’m curious if he’s just converting this to Marshall-ish specs and doing his thing or if he’s really trying to build on the Fender DNA. It does sound different to me at least on phone speakers.
I built "teh Snorkler" pre-amp a while back and ran it through a passive loop into the power section of my JCM-800.. and this here sounds like a Snorkler running through a Fender output section.

Thx @PLX for the heads up.
You’re a good dude btw.
You have a genuine positivity and good taste in gear.
What I noticed after faithfully listening to this multiple times is:

The gain channel has multiple sweet spots
I bet the amp is great with different guitars.
I bet it’d be epic through my 4X10.
The clean channel is lacking.
Eddy did a fantastic job demonstrating the clean channel by the way he went through some push pulls on the amp & flicking through his pickups AND strumming a few chords/short riffs & ring.
Reinhold crossed over the magic from this channel & implemented that magic in the highly tweakable & killer sounding overdrive channel..
Is there any Fender DNA leftover ?
A shard or two.

He needs to get that reverb tank up and boinging,
-add some juicy sparkle & depth to the
clean channel.
And add a footswitchable Rocky Mountain Way mode for the clean channel and the world is yours.
At times I hear a bit of old school Rivera raunch at chord decay.
F’n cool amp man💯
I bet it’s dope AF with an SG.
Sounds pretty dang good. Tons of gain obviously. I could hear some good AiC style riffage with this and the right cab.