What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

I’m smoking my brains out and just jammin’ on stuff I barely know. I’ve been “learning” this song by learning the main riff once a year ago and now I just try to catch the fuck ups and remember them next time, then in a week when I’m bored of playing it I’ll forget it all in a month.

I’m smoking my brains out and just jammin’ on stuff I barely know. I’ve been “learning” this song by learning the main riff once a year ago and now I just try to catch the fuck ups and remember them next time, then in a week when I’m bored of playing it I’ll forget it all in a month.

Awesome Drew as always
Just missed the pick toss at the end

What did I do with my guitar today? I've certified that I am either totally stupid, or I am starting to get Alzheimer.

I have periods alternating between the Strat with EMG DG20 and another with Gilmour black Strat pups (SSL-5 - Fat'50). Loving and hating one or the other.

After a "Pulse" period with the DG-20 I've recently switched to the SSL-5/Fat-50 because with my band we are doing a cover of Gilmour's "On and Island". I have recorded that song several years ago, and I rescued the Axe-Fx III preset that I used at that time.

It didn't sound right. I couldn't get a proper tone with the bridge pickup, and it was awful with the neck pickup. I thought that it could be a firmware change, so I reset the amp block and start again. I spent many hours tweaking, trying Dyna-Cabs, different amps, EQ's, alternating between the Big Muff and the Tube Driver... Until I finally got one tone that was cool and fun to play, even though it was not the same as Gilmour.

This morning I started recording on the DAW where I have the multitracks from karaoke-version in sync with the original song. I did A/B comparisons with the original, and I was very frustrated with the tone difference. Until....

... until I've remembered that last May I did install a Free-Way 5-Way/10-Position switch at my Strat, and it was on the special position :facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

Idiot Reaction GIF
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While I’m on vacation this week I only had one playing goal, to finish learning “Cliffs Of Dover”, which I’m still going to do, but I had a couple ideas pop into my head this morning when I started to work on it. There’s a ton of solos and songs that when I was starting out I’d say to myself “When I grow up I wanna be able to play ________” and lately I’ve been having more fun getting nostalgic with stuff like that than I have been writing/recording, so I think I’m going to make a video series out of it. It can be summed up as “Guy who stopped caring about technical guitar playing 20 years ago decides he wants to learn some technical guitar songs” and I mostly want to document the challenges I have in the process and how I get past them.

”Cliffs” is going to be a work in progress, I need more instant gratification to keep me focused on this so I picked a solo I’ve wanted to learn for decades and have attempted a couple times but gave up almost instantly because I could never get the feel of it, but today I broke past the hurdle point I always gave up at and that’s all I needed. Going in chunks, but when I edit the videos together later on it’ll show how I tackle this stuff then fuck it up relentlessly until I happen to land on it right.

Been playing the crap out of my new CE24. Also realized that having my synth in line on the amp wall was moronic and I need to have it setup in coordination with my favored rig.had a synth based song we started working on last December, but then it got put on back burner because we suddenly got a stream of dank shows. Have some time off for the rest of the year so working on thst tune again (amongst several other new ones)

So the Tonex pedal didn’t work out well?
The hardware side of it was great but the software was a near constant "crash fest", any time I went to audition captures with their online browser.

Additionally, not really a fan of the company nor the extremely minor "improvements" since release. I recently sold my Axe I/O interface and had to pay them $20 to deregister it! I'm done with that company, permanently.

All I need is the FM9!
The hardware side of it was great but the software was a near constant "crash fest", any time I went to audition captures with their online browser.

Additionally, not really a fan of the company nor the extremely minor "improvements" since release. I recently sold my Axe I/O interface and had to pay them $20 to deregister it! I'm done with that company, permanently.

All I need is the FM9!
I dabbled with the free Tonex custom shop for awhile and contemplated getting a Tonex pedal, me being a miser and all…
The nickel and dime approach of that company really calls into question there business model for me.
So glad I took the advice of a friend on this forum as well as others observations of F.A.S.

Actually now that I think about it, I consider all of the members here friends.

Even the jackwagons!!!
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I was working on more Jose Marshalls for different guitars, but when I saw all my neighbors were gone I snagged the chance to get some vocals done on the newer tune-

Have they ever come back mid-recording session? :rawk
And you not notice?
Asking for a friend. :crazy
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